Uses of Class

Packages that use PropertyFormatter
olg.csv.bean.impl This package provides the main implementations for reading/writing Beans from Rows. 
olg.csv.bean.loader This package provides all the useful classes in the loading of classes involved in the reading / writing bean process from an XML descriptor. 

Uses of PropertyFormatter in olg.csv.bean.impl

Subclasses of PropertyFormatter in olg.csv.bean.impl
private static class PropertyFormatter.ConcatePropertyReader
          Allows to concate severals characteristics of an object into a single string.
private static class PropertyFormatter.DelegatePropertyReader
          PropertyFormatter to use to represent a characterstic of a field as a string.
private static class PropertyFormatter.PropertyReader
          Basic PropertyFormatter.

Fields in olg.csv.bean.impl declared as PropertyFormatter
private  PropertyFormatter CellProcessor.propertyFormatter
          formatter to rendering the entity properties as value of a cell.
private  PropertyFormatter PropertyFormatter.DelegatePropertyReader.propertyFormatter
          The propertyFormatter used to represents the field.

Fields in olg.csv.bean.impl with type parameters of type PropertyFormatter
private  List<PropertyFormatter>
          The list of PropertyFormatter used to concate their results.

Methods in olg.csv.bean.impl that return PropertyFormatter
static PropertyFormatter PropertyFormatter.getConcatePropertyReader(List<PropertyFormatter> formatters, AbstractStringFilter filtre)
          Returns a PropertyFormatter which concates strings the given propertyformatters returns.
static PropertyFormatter PropertyFormatter.getDelegatePropertyReader(Method getter, String name, PropertyFormatter propertyFormatter)
          Returns a PropertyFormatter which extracts as a string a characteristic of a field.
 PropertyFormatter CellProcessor.getPropertyFormatter()
          Returns the formatter dedicated to rendering the entity properties as value of column cell.
<T> PropertyFormatter
PropertyFormatter.getPropertyReader(Method getter, String name, Formatter<T> formatter, AbstractStringFilter filtre)
          Returns a basic PropertyFormatter.

Methods in olg.csv.bean.impl with parameters of type PropertyFormatter
static PropertyFormatter PropertyFormatter.getDelegatePropertyReader(Method getter, String name, PropertyFormatter propertyFormatter)
          Returns a PropertyFormatter which extracts as a string a characteristic of a field.
 void CellProcessor.setPropertyFormatter(PropertyFormatter propertyFormatter)
          Sets the formatter dedicated to format entity properties as cell value.

Method parameters in olg.csv.bean.impl with type arguments of type PropertyFormatter
static PropertyFormatter PropertyFormatter.getConcatePropertyReader(List<PropertyFormatter> formatters, AbstractStringFilter filtre)
          Returns a PropertyFormatter which concates strings the given propertyformatters returns.

Constructors in olg.csv.bean.impl with parameters of type PropertyFormatter
CellProcessor(String rang, String name, PropertyFormatter propertyFormatter)
PropertyFormatter.DelegatePropertyReader(Method getter, String name, PropertyFormatter propertyFormatter)

Constructor parameters in olg.csv.bean.impl with type arguments of type PropertyFormatter
PropertyFormatter.ConcatePropertyReader(List<PropertyFormatter> properties, AbstractStringFilter filtre)

Uses of PropertyFormatter in olg.csv.bean.loader

Methods in olg.csv.bean.loader that return PropertyFormatter
private static PropertyFormatter CellProcessorLoader.extractConcateReadPropertyType(Element element, Class<?> beanClass)
          Returns a PropertyFormatter which assembles severals properties of the given bean as a string.
private static PropertyFormatter CellProcessorLoader.extractReadPropertyType(Element element, Class<?> classBean)
          Returns PropertyFormatter from the given XML element.

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