Class PropertyFormatter.PropertyReader

Package class diagram package PropertyFormatter.PropertyReader
  extended by olg.csv.bean.impl.PropertyFormatter
      extended by olg.csv.bean.impl.PropertyFormatter.PropertyReader
Enclosing class:

private static final class PropertyFormatter.PropertyReader
extends PropertyFormatter

Basic PropertyFormatter. Allow to represent a field as a string.

Field Summary
private  AbstractStringFilter filtre
          The filter to use to filter the string the formatter returns.
private  Formatter formatter
          the formatter to use to transform the field into a string.
private  Method getter
          the method to use to extract property of the object.
Fields inherited from class olg.csv.bean.impl.PropertyFormatter
Constructor Summary
PropertyFormatter.PropertyReader(Method getter, String name, Formatter formatter, AbstractStringFilter filtre)
Method Summary
 String toString(Object object)
          Returns a string representation of the property.
Methods inherited from class olg.csv.bean.impl.PropertyFormatter
equals, getConcatePropertyReader, getDelegatePropertyReader, getFullName, getName, getPropertyReader, hashCode
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private final Method getter
the method to use to extract property of the object.


private final Formatter formatter
the formatter to use to transform the field into a string.


private final AbstractStringFilter filtre
The filter to use to filter the string the formatter returns.

Constructor Detail


PropertyFormatter.PropertyReader(Method getter,
                                 String name,
                                 Formatter formatter,
                                 AbstractStringFilter filtre)
name - the name of the field
getter - the method to use to extract field of the object
formatter - the formatter to use to transform the field into a string
filtre - it's possible to use a filter after the field has bean formatted
Method Detail


public String toString(Object object)
Description copied from class: PropertyFormatter
Returns a string representation of the property.

Throws a PropertyException when errors occurs during the formatting.

Specified by:
toString in class PropertyFormatter
object - Object from which product a string representation of its property
the string representation.

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