Uses of Interface

Packages that use IPropertyProcessor
olg.csv.bean.impl This package provides the main implementations for reading/writing Beans from Rows. 
olg.csv.bean.loader This package provides all the useful classes in the loading of classes involved in the reading / writing bean process from an XML descriptor. 

Uses of IPropertyProcessor in olg.csv.bean.impl

Classes in olg.csv.bean.impl that implement IPropertyProcessor
 class AbstractPropertyProcessor<B>
          In reading process, Class responsible of bean properties instantiation from list of Strings.
 class ComplexPropertyProcessor<B>
          Complex property transformer.
 class PropertyProcessor<B>
          Basic property transformer.

Fields in olg.csv.bean.impl with type parameters of type IPropertyProcessor
private  List<IPropertyProcessor<B>>
          A BeanProcessor has a list of transformers.

Methods in olg.csv.bean.impl that return IPropertyProcessor
<T,P> IPropertyProcessor<T>
AbstractPropertyProcessor.getComplexPropertyTransformer(IBeanProcessor<P> transformer, Class<T> beanClass, String propertyName)
          Returns a property processor which set a property of a bean with the help of a transformer.
<T,X> IPropertyProcessor<T>
AbstractPropertyProcessor.getSimplePropertyTransformer(AbstractGetter getter, AbstractParser<X> parser, String propertyName, Class<T> clazz)
          Returns a simple property processor which set a property of bean with the help of a getter and a parser.

Methods in olg.csv.bean.impl with parameters of type IPropertyProcessor
 boolean BeanProcessor.add(IPropertyProcessor<B> arg0)
          Adds a concret propertyProcessor.

Method parameters in olg.csv.bean.impl with type arguments of type IPropertyProcessor
 boolean BeanProcessor.addAll(Collection<IPropertyProcessor<B>> arg0)
          Adds a propertyProcessor collection.

Uses of IPropertyProcessor in olg.csv.bean.loader

Methods in olg.csv.bean.loader that return IPropertyProcessor
<I> IPropertyProcessor<I>
BeanProcessorLoader.getPropertyParser(Element node, Class<I> beanClass)
          Returns new propertyProcessor which have responsability to set a property to the given bean.
<I> IPropertyProcessor<I>
BeanProcessorLoader.RowBeanTransformerLoader.getPropertyParser(Element node, Class<I> beanClass)
          Returns the property processor corresponding to a property node.

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