Package olg.csv.bean

Package class diagram package olg.csv.bean
This package provides the main classes and interfaces for reading/writing Beans from Rows.


Interface Summary
IBeanProcessor<B> In reading process, product beans from rows.
ICellProcessor<B> In writing process, products cells from beans.
IPropertyProcessor<B> In reading process, set properties of a bean from a row.
IRowProcessor<B> In writing process, products rows from beans.

Class Summary
BeanReader<E> Class specialized in reading objects from a file.
BeanWriter<E> Class specialized in writing objects into a file Used a IWriter to write a list of Strings into a file Uses a list of PropertyFormatter to transform an E object into a list of Strings.
SchemaMain Provides main method to extraxt XSD schema from jar.
Util Util in loading objects from XML Documents and identifying getter and setter method.

Exception Summary
PropertyException Exception thrown when an error occurs during the formatting process of the bean properties.

Package olg.csv.bean Description

This package provides the main classes and interfaces for reading/writing Beans from Rows.

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