Uses of Class

Packages that use CellProcessor
olg.csv.bean.impl This package provides the main implementations for reading/writing Beans from Rows. 
olg.csv.bean.loader This package provides all the useful classes in the loading of classes involved in the reading / writing bean process from an XML descriptor. 

Uses of CellProcessor in olg.csv.bean.impl

Fields in olg.csv.bean.impl with type parameters of type CellProcessor
private  List<CellProcessor<B>> RowProcessor.fieldFormatters
          A rowProcessor has a list of columnFormatter.

Methods in olg.csv.bean.impl with parameters of type CellProcessor
 int CellProcessor.compareTo(CellProcessor<B> columnFormatter)
           Comparison is based on the rang field.

Constructor parameters in olg.csv.bean.impl with type arguments of type CellProcessor
RowProcessor(List<CellProcessor<B>> fieldFormatters)

Uses of CellProcessor in olg.csv.bean.loader

Methods in olg.csv.bean.loader that return types with arguments of type CellProcessor
<E> List<CellProcessor<B>>
CellProcessorLoader.extractColumnType(Element element, Class<E> beanClass)
          Identifies from an XML Element a CellProcessor list.
<T> List<CellProcessor<B>>
CellProcessorLoader.RowBeanPropertyFormatterLoader.extractColumnType(Element element, Class<T> classBean)
<E> List<CellProcessor<B>>
CellProcessorLoader.load(Element element, String xmlListNodeName, Class<E> beanClass)
          load a CellProcessor list from an xml node.
<E> List<CellProcessor<B>>
CellProcessorLoader.RowBeanPropertyFormatterLoader.load(Element element, String xmlListNodeName, Class<E> beanClass)
 List<CellProcessor<B>> CellProcessorLoader.load(File file)
          Returns the ColumnFormatter list described in the given XML file.

Method parameters in olg.csv.bean.loader with type arguments of type CellProcessor
<E> void
CellProcessorLoader.RowBeanPropertyFormatterLoader.checkLoading(List<CellProcessor<E>> columnFormatters)
          Checking the order of columns.

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