Class ConstantGetter

Package class diagram package ConstantGetter
  extended by olg.csv.bean.getter.AbstractGetter
      extended by olg.csv.bean.getter.impl.ConstantGetter

public final class ConstantGetter
extends AbstractGetter

This getter always returns the given value regardless of the row.

Constructor Summary
ConstantGetter(String defaultValue)
          Constructor with constant value in argument.
Method Summary
protected  String doGet(Row line)
          Returns a String built from the given row.
Methods inherited from class olg.csv.bean.getter.AbstractGetter
get, getConcate, getConstant, getDefault, getDefaultValue, getFilter, setDefaultValue, setFilter
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ConstantGetter(String defaultValue)
Constructor with constant value in argument.

defaultValue - the constant value to apply
Method Detail


protected String doGet(Row line)
Description copied from class: AbstractGetter
Returns a String built from the given row.

Specified by:
doGet in class AbstractGetter
line - the row from which extract the string.
a String built from the given row

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