Uses of Class

Packages that use AnnotationProcessorException
olg.csv.bean.annotations.processor This package contains classes dealing with annotations. 

Uses of AnnotationProcessorException in olg.csv.bean

Methods in olg.csv.bean that throw AnnotationProcessorException
 List<T> RowBean.fromFile(File in)
          Extracts a list from a file.
 List<T> RowBean.fromFile(File in, CSVSettings csvSettings)
          Extracts a list from a CSV file opened with some CSV settings.
 List<T> RowBean.fromFile(File in, ODSSettings odsSettings)
          Extracts a list from an ODS file opened with some ODS settings.
private  List<T> RowBean.fromReader(IReader fileReader, File in)
          Extracts a list from a reader.
private  IBeanProcessor<T> RowBean.getBeanProcessor()
          Provides the Bean processor built from the annoted T class.
 IReader RowBean.getReader(File in)
          Returns a ODS or CSV reader with settings read from RowBean Annotation setted on T class. throws IllegalArgumentException if file is null or or it's not possible to define a reader.
private  IRowProcessor<T> RowBean.getRowProcessor()
          Provides the row processor built from the annoted T class.
 IWriter RowBean.getWriter(File out)
          Returns a ODS or CSV writer with settings read from RowBean Annotation setted on T class.
 void RowBean.toFile(List<T> beans, File out)
          Copy in a new file a list of T.
 void RowBean.toFile(List<T> beans, File out, CSVSettings csvSettings)
          Copy in a CSV file a list of T.
 void RowBean.toFile(List<T> beans, File out, ODSSettings odsSettings)
          Copy in an ODS file a list of T.
private  void RowBean.toWriter(List<T> beans, IWriter fileWriter, File out)
          Copy a list of T on a writer.

Uses of AnnotationProcessorException in olg.csv.bean.annotations.processor

Methods in olg.csv.bean.annotations.processor that throw AnnotationProcessorException
 IBeanProcessor<T> RowBeanProcessor.getBeanProcessor()
          Build a BeanProcessor from annotations setted on the class this processor deals with.
private  CSVSettings RowBeanProcessor.getCSVSettings(Param[] csvParams, RowBeanProcessor.CSVPropertyType[] properties, String type)
          Products the CSVSettings corresponding to params of a process.
<T> Formatter<T>
FormatterProcessor.getCustomFormatter(Field field, Formatter formatterAnnotation, Class<T> fieldConcreteClass)
          Returns a formatter identified from the formatter annotation setted on a field as a custom formatter.
<T> AbstractParser<T>
ParserProcessor.getCustomParser(Field field, Parser parserAnnotation, Class<T> fieldConcreteClass)
          Returns a parser identified from the parser annotation setted on a field as a custom parser.
<T> Formatter<Date>
FormatterProcessor.getDateFormatter(Field field, Formatter formatterAnnotation, Class<T> fieldConcreteClass)
          Returns a date formatter identified from the formatter annotation setted on a field.
<T> AbstractParser<Date>
ParserProcessor.getDateParser(Field field, Parser parserAnnotation, Class<T> fieldConcreteClass)
          Returns a date parser identified from the parser annotation setted on a field.
<T> Formatter<T>
FormatterProcessor.getFormatter(Field field, Class<T> fieldConcreteClass)
          Return the formatter to use on a field.
private  ODSSettings RowBeanProcessor.getODSSettings(Param[] odsParams, RowBeanProcessor.ODSPropertyType[] properties, String type)
          Returns ODSSettings corresponding to ODS params of a process.
<T> AbstractParser<T>
ParserProcessor.getParser(Field field, Class<T> fieldConcreteClass)
          Return the parser to use on a field.
 CSVSettings RowBeanProcessor.getReadingCSVSettings()
          Returns CSVSettings for reading identified from the RowBean annotation of the class otherwise default Reading CSV settings.
 ODSSettings RowBeanProcessor.getReadingODSSettings()
          Returns ODSSettings for reading identified from the RowBean annotation of the class otherwise default Reading ODS settings.
 IRowProcessor<T> RowBeanProcessor.getRowProcessor()
          Build a RowProcessor from annotations setted on the class this processor deals with.
 CSVSettings RowBeanProcessor.getWritingCSVSettings()
          Returns CSVSettings for writing identified from the RowBean annotation of the class otherwise default writing CSV settings.
 ODSSettings RowBeanProcessor.getWritingODSSettings()
          Returns ODSSettings for writing identified from the RowBean annotation of the class otherwise default writing ODS settings.
 CSVSettings RowBeanProcessor.CSVPropertyType.setParam(CSVSettings settings, String value)
          Set the CVSSettings.
(package private)  ODSSettings RowBeanProcessor.ODSPropertyType.setParam(ODSSettings settings, String value)
          Set the ODSSettings.

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