Class EmbeddedProcessor<B>

Package class diagram package EmbeddedProcessor
  extended by olg.csv.bean.annotations.processor.EmbeddedProcessor<B>
Type Parameters:
B - the bean on which research its fields annoted with embedded annotation

public final class EmbeddedProcessor<B>
extends Object

This class is responsible for processing the @Embedded annotation.

Field Summary
private  Class<B> clazz
          the class of the bean on which research its fields annoted with column annotation.
private static org.slf4j.Logger LOGGER
          Class logger.
Constructor Summary
EmbeddedProcessor(Class<B> clazz)
Method Summary
private  boolean checkConcreteClass(Field field, Class<?> fieldConcreteClass)
          check if a field class is concrete.
 boolean getReadingProcessor(int translate, Field field, List<IPropertyProcessor<B>> propertyProcessors, Map<Integer,Integer> map)
          Complete a list with the propertyProcessors built from the embedded annotation setted on a field.
 boolean getWritingProcessor(Field field, Map<Integer,List<CellProcessor<B>>> map)
          Complete a map with the cellprocessors built from the embedded annotation setted on a field.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOGGER
Class logger.


private Class<B> clazz
the class of the bean on which research its fields annoted with column annotation.

Constructor Detail


public EmbeddedProcessor(Class<B> clazz)

clazz - the class of the bean
Method Detail


public boolean getWritingProcessor(Field field,
                                   Map<Integer,List<CellProcessor<B>>> map)
Complete a map with the cellprocessors built from the embedded annotation setted on a field.

field - the field
map - the map to complete with the cellProcessors built from the embedded Annotation setted on the field. the keys are the cell num target of the cellProcessor.
true if no error happens during this operation.


public boolean getReadingProcessor(int translate,
                                   Field field,
                                   List<IPropertyProcessor<B>> propertyProcessors,
                                   Map<Integer,Integer> map)
Complete a list with the propertyProcessors built from the embedded annotation setted on a field.

translate - index from which begin the column numerotation
field - the field on which search an embedded annoation
propertyProcessors - processors map to complete with the processors match on the field
map - map of couple (column num, nb properties built on ) to complete with the processors built.
true if noError occurs.


private boolean checkConcreteClass(Field field,
                                   Class<?> fieldConcreteClass)
check if a field class is concrete.

field - the field
fieldConcreteClass - the class used to set the field
true if the class is really concrete.

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